Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My first time in Palawan!

Today I'm feeling a lot better! Just two days ago, I was a victim of food poisoning which was really a bummer because it happened right after I arrived home from paradise. I would understand if it was something I ate from the island but something from my own home? Frustrating! Well, it was partly my fault because I didn't bother sniffing the food from the fridge before putting it inside the microwave. So an hour after, I got nauseous and my head was throbbing with pain. The past two days seem to have come in a blur and all I could recall was getting in and out of the toilet. Thank God I'm better now and I better be 'coz summer's just started and it's almost my birthday! Anyway, I finally had a chance to fly in to Palawan last week. I've been dying to visit that island since I-don't-know-when! The trip was a little different because I was on vacation with my siblings. My idea of fun on vacation always involved friends or officemates. Believe me, the idea of traveling with two of my siblings (both I frequently have conflicts with when we were kids) felt weird to me but it turned out to be not that bad at all. In fact, it was so much fun (a different kind of fun of course) and I was in control being the eldest! One of the good things about traveling with siblings is that you don't have to deal with friends' dramas and mood swings. This was the most stress-free trip I ever had. Palawan did not disappoint us. It was breathtaking! I haven't been surrounded by so many trees my whole life and by trees, I mean tall, green and foresty kind of trees! The beaches are to die for. Being a beach addict myself, I felt high being there! The icing-on-the-cake was our tour inside the underground river. We were in awe! Who knew nature can create such a magnificent work of art. And oh, people from Palawan are the friendliest. Palawan, I will be back!

Honda Bay and Underground River, Palawan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photoshoot with friends!

I love taking pictures but doing hardcore photography does not interest me (as of now). I've been told by a whole lot of people especially my friends that I should at least consider photography as a serious hobby. Not that I'm against the idea but right now, I feel like most people my age are so into it like it's the latest craze. Back then, owning a DSLR camera is either a luxury or you do photography for a living. Now, almost all people own one. I have to admit that I also would like to get my own DSLR camera too but not just yet. I'm still happy with my bridge camera! I still have a lot of practicing to do so the bridge camera perfectly works for me. Last week, a good friend offered to let me use her DSLR camera for our weekend trip and I just couldn't say no. My friends enjoyed the shoot a lot and I don't really mind being absent in the stunning frames. Looking at these shots, I think a did a pretty decent job.

Malapascua Island

If you're born on summer, it is imperative that you celebrate your birthday at the beach.

So when a good friend thought of celebrating his birthday somewhere outside the city and asked for my idea on the location, I blurted out - "Let's head out to the beach!". Pretty predictable from me but hey, welcoming your birthday on the beach is the next best thing to getting a brand new car on your sweet sixteen! And if you're birth date falls on summer, it is imperative that you celebrate your birthday at the beach - this is my opinion. Last weekend was a blast - a different kind of blast that is. No loud music, no crazy partying, no traffic, no city and no city people. We had an island of warm skies and blue waters all to ourselves. Well not really, Malaspacua Island is now overflowing with tourists from all over the globe. I seriously thought I was outside of Asia at one point during the trip! All I saw were Europeans, Americans, and I don't know where those other people are from. The island does have a little resemblance to Boracay but it's way better than the latter! I say better because its not as "touristy" and as crowded as Boracay. The sun and sea is just to die for. You can laze around, get a tan, swim, eat and at the end of the day you're left wanting for more. Okay, that last statement is a bit exaggerated but it's up to you really. Fritz, Radley, Rea and myself spent our three days and two nights eating, roaming around the island, swimming, getting a tan, drinking alcohol, playing cards and of course - camwhoring! What a way to celebrate Fritz's birthday! My birthday's up next month and who knows, I just might be back in this same island!

Malapascua Island, Cebu